
Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2023


  TENACITY Tenacity : It’s the capacity of absorbing energy when a material it’s hit or deformed. An example of a sostenible material its glass ( video)


  ELASTICITY :   Elasticy: Property that bodies have of changing their shape when an adequate force is applied to them and of recovering their original shape when the action of the force is suspended. An example of an elastic sostenible material its cotton. Elasticity has a limit, if it is exceeded the body suffers permanent deformation or breaks ( video )


  PLASTICITY  Plasticity: Is a mechanical behavior characteristic of certain anelastic materials consisting of the capacity to deform permanently and irreversibly when subjected to stresses above their elastic range, above their elastic limit. One example of sustainable material is steel. Ductility is the property that some metals and allies have, when under the action of a force, they can be stretched without being twisted (metal sheet) ( video) Malleability is the ability to be easily changed into a new shape (metal threads)    


  STRENGTH Strength: is a state of being strong and the capacity of making a force or pressure on an object   Example : Wood   Propierty of materials: (video)


HARDNESS: Property of material by which they are difficult to compress or scratch is called hardness. For example, iron and copper are hard materials. Bamboo its an example of a hard and sostenible material What's Hardness? (video) Mohs scale: